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Direct integration with the Bitcoin network

Developer Resources

As the IC ecosystem grows so do our resources. This is the home of documentation, sample code, tooling, and support.

Asynchronous DeFi


Deploy a canister on the Internet Computer that can send and receive Bitcoin.


Threshold ECDSA

Build a threshold ECDSA test key on a subnet.


Canister HTTPS Outcalls

Demonstrates how to build a dapp with canister outgoing HTTP calls.


Hello World

Deploy a dead simple dapp using two canisters serving a web page.


Static Website

Quickly set up a static website structure, add content and basic styling, and deploy on the IC.

Asynchronous DeFi

Basic Dex

Build dapp to enable DeFi applications on the IC.

Metaverse and NFTs

NFT Minting

Create a user generated NFT and share it. This dapp uses the DIP721 NFT standard.


Basic DAO

Dapp initializes a set of accounts and corresponding tokens as well as enables proposals for communal votes.


Encrypted note-taking

Create, access and modify confidential notes from multiple devices using Internet Identity and end-to-end encryption.


Token transfer

Create a dapp that can transfer tokens to its most active users.


Actor reference

Learn how the IC management canister functions as an actor (reference).



Demonstrates how to deploy a web game on the IC.

Canisters & cycles

The IC is composed of canisters that require cycles to perform computation. Explore Concepts to see how this and other foundational aspects power the IC.